How to create an app for your Lametric Clock

· Blishikata Blog

This article was originally published on, you can find it here

If you are watching some Gaming/Tech influencers, you have probably seen in their background they have a little screen that shows current time or followers counter.

This is a Lametric Time.

Lametric Time

Lametric Time is a smart clock who display information from the Internet and smart appliances in style on a pixelated clock.

You can show for example:

Lametric provides official apps to get you started, but the most of the apps are provided by the community.

So, How these apps are built ? Which knowledge is required to built an app on this smart clock ?

It's very simple, you don't necessary need to know a programming language to build an embedded systems

You need to know how to make a REST API.

In this article, i will show you:

For this tutorial, i will develop this app in TypeScript with ExpressJS, but you can also use another languages like Python, GoLang or PHP as long as your application can handle a HTTP response.

Let's do it...

A bit of theory #

Before to started, a bit of theory is needed to understand how the clock can get the data from your application and return to the screen.

As I said above, your application is not an application for embedded system but and REST API.

When you choose an application on App market of Lametric's phone app, and you download this on clock.

Your clock will obtain the url of your API in order to call it every X minutes (it is configured on developer panel on

Diagram of situation

When you choose an application on App market of Lametric's phone app, and you download this on clock.

Your clock will obtain the url of your API in order to call it every X minutes (it is configured on developer panel on from Lametric's servers.

When your app is installed on clock, you see on your phone app the configuration panel of your app. If this app can be configured with some options, you can configure it on this panel. And the clock will send this configuration to app's API.

Now, how the clock made the request to your API ? After installation, the clock will made a HTTP request of type GET to the app. If your app is configured with some options, the clock will send the configuration on the query string.

Like this:


On Developer Panel, you can add many parameters as you like, you have a very large choice of parameters:

When you add parameters on your app, the website will shows a sample of params that clocks will sent.

Now, after the clock made the request to your API, your API will return a JSON response with the data to display on the clock like this:

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "text": "Hello World"
5        }
6    ]

A JSON with a key frames and an array of objects. Each object is a frame of the clock.

The clock can show 4 types of frames:

Text #

Text screen without icon

If you want to show a text on the screen, you need to add a key text on the frame object.

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "text": "Text"
5        }
6    ]

Text screen

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "text": "Text",
5            "icon": 5588
6        }
7    ]

If you thinking that only the text is little sad, you can add an icon on the frame. You can find the list of icons on You need to add the icon id on the key icon on the frame object.

Each icons are made by the community, you can also create your own icon and submit it on the website if you don't found what you want.

Text screen with special caracters

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "text": "1295 ฿",
5            "icon": 857
6        }
7    ]

The clock can shows special caracters like °, %, $, £, €, ¥, ฿.

Metric #

Metric screen

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "text": "1.04%",
5            "icon": 120
6        },
7    ]

Goal #

Goal screen

 2    "frames": [
 3        {
 4            "goalData": {
 5                "start": 70,
 6                "current": 67,
 7                "end": 60,
 8                "unit": "KG"
 9            },
10            "icon": 87
11        }
12    ]

If you want to show a goal, you need to add a key goalData on the frame object. This key is an object with 4 keys:

Sparkline #

Sparkline screen

 2    "frames": [
 3        {
 4            "index": 2,
 5            "chartData": [
 6                90,
 7                80,
 8                66,
 9                30,
10                55,
11                40,
12                10,
13                34,
14                50
15            ]
16        }
17    ]

If you want to show a sparkline on the entire screen, you need to add a key chartData on the frame object. This key is an array of numbers. The clock will show a sparkline with these numbers. You don't have a limit for the numbers.

Now you know how to work the clock, let's go to the practice.

Create the app #

For this tutorial, i will create an app that shows the current price of Bitcoin and Ethereum in USD. We are going use the API CoinLore, it is free and don't need an API key.

Init the project #

Firstly, we need to create a repository on Github. Create a repository and clone it on your computer.

Go to your repository and init a NodeJS project. For this tutorial, i will use yarn, but is according to your preference

1yarn init -y

We need to install the needed dependencies for TypeScript and ExpressJS.

1yarn add -D typescript @types/express @types/node ts-node ts-node-dev
2yarn add express axios

Create a tsconfig.json file and add this code:

 2  "compilerOptions": {
 3    "module": "commonjs",
 4    "declaration": true,
 5    "removeComments": true,
 6    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
 7    "experimentalDecorators": true,
 8    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
 9    "target": "es2017",
10    "sourceMap": true,
11    "outDir": "./dist",
12    "baseUrl": "./",
13    "incremental": true,
14    "skipLibCheck": true,
15    "strictNullChecks": false,
16    "noImplicitAny": false,
17    "strictBindCallApply": false,
18    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": false,
19    "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": false,
20    "resolveJsonModule": true,
21    "esModuleInterop": true,
22  }

Create a index.ts file, and create a src folder with some directories to organize the code.

1touch index.ts
2mkdir src
3mkdir src/controllers src/services

In package.json, add some scripts to run the project.

1  "scripts": {
2    "start": "yarn run build && node dist/index.js",
3    "build": "npx tsc",
4    "start:dev": "ts-node-dev index.ts"
5  }

If everything is good, your project should look like this:

├── index.ts
├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── controllers
│   └── services
├── tsconfig.json
└── yarn.lock

Create the server #

Now, we need to create the server with ExpressJS. In index.ts we need to import ExpressJS and create the server.

 1import express from 'express';
 3const main = async () => {
 4    const app = express();
 5    const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
 7    app.use(express.json());
 8    app.use((req, res) => {
 9        res.status(404).json({ message: "Route not found !" })
10    })
11    app.listen(port, () => console.log(`My Lametric App server started on: ${port}`));

In this code, we create a server with ExpressJS, we set the port to 3000 or the port provided by the environment variable PORT. To handle the JSON request, we use the middleware express.json().

To check if the server is working, run the command yarn start:dev and go to http://localhost:3000 on your navigator or use postman/curl then you should see this:

2    "message": "Route not found !"

As you can see the server is working, but the server return an error 404 with as message: Route not found !. It is normal, we don't have any route on the server, let's go to create a route.

Create the route #

In the directory "controllers", create a file api.controllers.ts and add this code:

1import { Router } from "express";
2import { getResponse } from "../services/api.service";
4const ApiController: Router = Router();
6ApiController.get('/', getResponse);
8export default ApiController;

In this code, we import the Router from ExpressJS, we import the function getResponse from the file api.service.ts and we create a route / with the method GET.

getResponse will be the function that will return the response to the clock, for now it is not exist, we will create it now.

We are going now on the directory "services" and create a file api.service.ts and add this code:

 1import { Request, Response } from "express";
 3const getResponse = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
 4    return res.status(200).json({
 5        frames: [
 6            {
 7                icon: 857,
 8                text: "฿itcoin"
 9            }
10        ]
11    });
14export {
15    getResponse

We import the Request and Response from ExpressJS that will be usefull to handle the request and response of the clock. We create a function getResponse with the parameters req and res and we return a JSON with a key frames and an object that contain a frame with the word "Bitcoin" and Bitcoin's icon.

Then, we don't forget to import the route on the index.ts file.

 1import express from 'express';
 2import ApiController from './src/controllers/api.controller'; // We import the route
 4const main = async () => {
 5    const app = express();
 6    const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
 8    app.use(express.json());
 9    app.use(ApiController); // We say to ExpressJS to use the controller for any request
11    app.use((req, res) => {
12        res.status(404).json({ message: "Route not found !" })
13    })
15    app.listen(port, () => console.log(`My Lametric App server started on: ${port}`));

After reload the server, and remade the request, you should see this:

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "icon": 857,
5            "text": "฿itcoin"
6        }
7    ]

And your clock should show this:

First result

That's good, we have the first result, but we want to show the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum, we need to call the API CoinLore.

Call the API CoinLore #

We are going to create a new file named coinlore.service.ts on the directory "services". This file will contain the function that will call the API CoinLore.

In this file, we are going to create a function getPrice that will return a Promise with the price of currency as we want.

 1import axios from 'axios';
 3enum ECoinId {
 4    BTC = 90,
 5    ETH = 80,
 8const getPrice = async (coinId: ECoinId): Promise<any> => {
 9    try {
10        const response = await axios.get(`${coinId}`);
11        if (! || ![0])
12            return null;
13        return;
14    }
15    catch (error) {
16        console.log(error);
17        return null;
18    }
21export {
22    getPrice,
23    ECoinId

In this code, the function getPrice will return a Promise with several information of the currency as we want.

To ask to CoinLaure the price of a currency, we need to call the API with the id of the currency. For example, if we want the price of Bitcoin, we need to call the API with the id 90 or 80 if we want the price of Ethereum.

To avoid to keep in mind each ID we create an enum ECoinId with the id of the currency we want to get the price.

Now, we need to import this function on the api.service.ts file.

 1const getResponse = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
 2    const currencyData = await getPrice(ECoinId.BTC); // We get currency data
 3    const price = currencyData ? currencyData[0].price_usd : "N/A";
 5    return res.status(200).json({
 6        frames: [
 7            {
 8                icon: 857,
 9                text: `${price} $`
10            }
11        ]
12    });

After call the function getPrice, we get the data of the currency and we get the price of the currency. If we encounter a problem with CoinLore API, we set the price to "N/A".

Now let's watch the result on the clock.

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "icon": 857,
5            "text": "29059.83 $"
6        }
7    ]

Second result

Great! This is beginning to bear fruit. But for moment, we only have the price of Bitcoin, we need to get the price of Ethereum. And...if the user want know only the price of Ethereum, how we can do ? Now we are going to see how we can manage the parameters of the user.

Manage the parameters #

If you follow the theory, you know that the clock can send some parameters to the API in form of query string like this:


To manage this, we need to modify the api.service.ts file.

 1const iconDict: { [key: number]: number } = {
 2    [ECoinId.BTC]: 857,
 3    [ECoinId.ETH]: 17007
 6const currencyDict: { [key: string]: ECoinId } = {
 7    "BTC": ECoinId.BTC,
 8    "ETH": ECoinId.ETH
11const getResponse = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
12    const currency: ECoinId = req.query.currency ? currencyDict[req.query.currency as string] || ECoinId.BTC : ECoinId.BTC;
13    const currencyData = await getPrice(currency);
14    const price = currencyData ? currencyData[0].price_usd : "N/A";
15    const icon = iconDict[currency] || ECoinId.BTC;
17    return res.status(200).json({
18        frames: [
19            {
20                icon: icon,
21                text: `${price} $`
22            }
23        ]
24    });

We create a variable currency that will be the currency that the user want to get the price. If we don't recognize the currency in query, we set the currency to Bitcoin.

We create a variable icon that will be the icon of the currency that the user want to get the price.

The icons id are available on

To get the icon and good id of the currency, we create two dictionary. One for the icon and one for the id of the currency.

Now, try to made a request with our API to get the price of Ethereum.

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "icon": 17007,
5            "text": "1848.15 $"
6        }
7    ]

Result when we fill in query ETH

Now what happen if the user don't provide any parameters ?

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "icon": 857,
5            "text": "29059.83 $"
6        }
7    ]

Result without query

Very good, we can manage the parameters of the user. Now i'm think is time to deploy our app on the cloud.

Deploy the app #

In order to all users can uses our app for their clock, we must deploy our app on the cloud. For this tutorial, i will use Render that can allow us to deploy our app for free.

Firstly push your code on Github.

1git add .
2git commit -m "First commit"
3git push

Go to Render and create an account. After that, create a new web service.

Render should invite you to choose a github repoitory, choose the repository you just created.

Next step, Render will ask you some information to deploy your app.

Render deploy

On this page, you can choose the name of your app, the region where your app will be deployed, the branch to deploy and the command to run your app.

Caution ! It is very import to set exatly value for Root Directory, Build command and Start Command otherwise your build will fail

Select the free plan and click on "Create Web Service". After some minutes, your app should be deployed.

If everything is good, you should see this:

And if you go to the url of your app, you should see this:

2    "frames": [
3        {
4            "icon": 857,
5            "text": "29059.83 $"
6        }
7    ]

Congratulations ! Your app is deployed on the cloud ! The more difficult is done. After your app is deployed, you can go to the Developer Panel on and add your app.

Add the app on Lametric's App Store #

To add your app on Lametric's App Store, you need to go to the Developer Panel on and create and account if you don't have one.

After that, go to the tab "My Apps" and click on "Create" and select Indicator app

Lametric Developer portal, create user interface

In this page, you can create user interface. This interface will be show on the phone app of Lametric to shows a preview of your app. Add some frames if you want and play with the options.

Lametric Developer portal, url and pool

In next section, you must add your App's URL, and his pool time. The pool time is the time that the clock will call your API. For this tutorial, i will set the pool time to 10 minutes. It is highly recommended to set the pool time to 10 minutes or more to avoid to spam the API and risk to exceed the limits of your offer on Render. Keep in your mind that your app can be installed on many clocks, it is important to not spam the API.

Fill the fields url and pool time and click on "Next" and click on Validate. The website will check if your app respond is operational.

Lametric Developer portal, options

In next section Add options to your app, you can add some options to your app. As we must know the currency that the user want to get the price, we are going to add a single choice with the two currencies that we can get the price.

Lametric Developer portal, app information

When you click on next, the website will ask to you to give a name, an icon, a description, the type, and the visibility of your app. It also ask a link to you a Privacy Policy and a Terms of Use. Don't worry about that, as your app is a simple app that don't collect any sensible data, you can put the link of your Github repository.

And now click on "Save".

Now your app is created, but it is not published on the App Store. Go to the tab "My Apps" and click on your app and click on "Publish".

Go back to the tab "My Apps" look at the status of your app. If the status is "Published", your app is published on the App Store.

App published on Lametric App Store

Congratulations ! You have made and publish your first app for Lametric Time !

Go to find your app on the App Store and install it on your clock.

Your app in store

Conclusion #

If you want to see the code of this tutorial, you can go to my repository to look at the code.

If you don't have to time to do this tutorial, i have create a little template that you can use to create your app. You can find it here.

Lametric provides a documentation if you want to go further. You can find it here.

Also, i have an application on the App Store that shows the current number player connect on different games (Minecraft, CS:GO, etc). You can find it here.

I hope this tutorial was very useful for you and that you have learned a lot of things. That is my first tutorial and article, if you have any feedback, don't hesitate to tell me, it will be very useful for me.

Thanks for reading and see you soon !
